Congratulations to our brilliant graduates on receiving their Masters degrees with high distinction.You were all shining stars in the graduation ceremony. We wish you all the best for the future. ========================= For more information visit our Website: Weblog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @MedicalUwa YouTube Channel: =========================
Here is a summary of UWA Medical Physics achievements in 2021: ========================= For more information visit our Website: Weblog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @MedicalUwa YouTube Channel: =========================
Congratulations to our PhD graduate Dr Marco Marcello on winning the PhD Award, an Australia-New Zealand annual award for “the best PhD thesis in Physical and Engineering Sciences with relevance for medicine”.Marco is now a Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Registrar at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.Well done Marco! ========================= For more information visit our Website: https://www.uwamedicalphysics.orgRead more…
UWA Medical Physics Research Group voluntiered at Cancer Council WA Relay For Life . The team contributes to Cancer Research and supports Cancer Council Western Australia. Well done everyone! Great job ========================= For more information visit our Website: Weblog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @MedicalUwa YouTube Channel: =========================
Congratulations to UWA Medical Physics PhD candidates: Brani Rusanov, Jake Kendrick and Nathaniel Barry for winning the 2021 WA Health Hackathon among 16 participating teams. Very well done young men! We are proud of you. Here is a short description of the event: The 2021 WA Health Hackathon held on 22nd August consisted of 16Read more…
On Friday 28th of May, four UWA Medical Physics Master students presented their final research outcome at SCGH Cancer Centre. Here are links to their presentations. We wish them success in their future endeavours. Ghazi Salem M Almutairi An Independent sets of Image Quality tests for Cone-Beam CT (Investigation of Catphan accuracy) Evaluation of the accuracy of the existing softwareRead more…
Thank you all who attended and helped out with UWA Open Day on your weekend! Much appreciated! We had an impressive number of visitors this year. ========================= For more information visit our Website: Weblog: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: @MedicalUwa YouTube Channel:
Today (24th of March, 2021) we hosted Dr. Robert Finnegan from the University of Sydney. Dr. Finnegan’s talk was about his latest research on AI based image processing software. Speaker: Dr Rob Finnegan Dr. Rob Finnegan is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Sydney, specialising in image processing tools in radiation therapy. HisRead more…
On Saturday 17/10/2020, our Master students Jake Kendrick and Kai Metzner were awarded the prestigious “Robert Stanford Award” and “John Black Student Prize” for their presentations in the annual ACPSEM-WA branch scientific meeting. Jake’s presentation title was: “Utilising Convolutional Neural Networks to perform automated segmentation of metastatic prostate lesions in 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT Images”. And KaiRead more…
On Wednesday 21st of October, fiveUWA Medical Physics Master students presented their research proposals at SCGH Cancer Centre.Here are links to their presentations.We wish them success with their research projects. 1- Aster Astreani Title of project: “An overview of the health effects of a 7T magnet for medical MR imaging”.Supervisors: Pejman Rowshan Farzad 2- Ashlesha Gill Title of project: “Evaluation ofRead more…
We are pleased to announce that James Hunt, one of our postgraduate students, has been awarded CERN Summer School Scholarship.James’s application to CERN was successful among thousands of applicants across the globe. Unfortunately, he can not physically attend the course due to the Covid-19 crisis. However, CERN has made resources available online and James can gainRead more…
On the 14th of February four of our Medical Physics masters students, Nathaniel Barry, Dane Lynch, Jake Kendrick, Brani Rusanov, organized a workshop on “Machine Learning in Radiotherapy” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. The presentation outlined various applications of machine learning along the external beam radiotherapy workflow from creating synthetic CT datasets from MRI imagesRead more…
There is an opportunity to attend the CERN Summer School in Geneva in 2020. The Minderoo Foundation, working with the Forrest Research Foundation, will provide financial support to CERN to enable up to ten Western Australian students to attend the CERN Summer School in Geneva, June-August 2020: link This opportunity is open to top-performing HonoursRead more…
On the 22nd of November two of our recent Medical Physics graduates, Warwick Smith and Samuel Shyllon, organized a workshop on “Introduction to 3D-Slicer” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. 3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. It has potential application in radiotherapy and treatment planning. This software can be used for training and education ofRead more…
UWA Medical Physics group was honoured to host Thomas Bortfeld, Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Radiation Biophysics Division at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard. It was a wonderful opportunity for our group to learn from Thomas’s experiences, attend his great talks, and find out more about the future of medical physics.Read more…
On Monday 21st of October, seven UWA Medical Physics Master students presented their research proposals at SCGH Cancer Centre. Here are links to their presentations. We wish them success with their research projects. 1- Divya Jyoti Title of project: “Independent Dose Calculation for Multileaf Collimator (InCiseTM MLC) based CyberKnife® Treatments”. Supervisors: Martin Ebert, Ben Hug 2- Ghazi Salem M ALmutairi Read more…
A public lecture by Professor Thomas Bortfeld, Medical Physicist, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr Bortfeld received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1990. He started his career at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Medical Physics, interrupted by a short postdoctoral fellowship at the MD Anderson CancerRead more…
Today, 23rd of August, our Medical Physics team volunteered to help the Cancer Council WA Daffodil Day fundraising event for the 6th year in a row. The funds are used to support the activities of Cancer Council in fighting against cancer. Thanks everyone for your efforts in supporting such a wonderful cause. (click on theRead more…
On May 28, Dr. Hari Kirupananther, MBBS Hons from Fiona Stanley Hospital, Western Australia, presented on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Oncology and Medical Radiations. The event was organised by the Radiation Oncology Workforce Western Australia consortium of state radiotherapy institutions, funded by WA Health’s Cancer and Palliative Care Network, and hosted at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH). Abstract:Read more…
On Friday 17th of May, seven UWA Medical Physics Master students presented their research proposals at SCGH Cancer Centre. Here are links to the presentations. We wish them success in their research projects. 1- Seonaid Rodgers Title of project: “Evaluating the dose reduction potential of added tin filtration in paediatric non-contrast chest CT imaging”. Supervisors: JanetteRead more…
On 10th of April 2019 we took a group photo before the weekly research meeting at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Click on the image to enlarge. Standing back from left: Brendon WRIGHT, Daniel NGUYEN, Jake KENDRICK, Dane LYNCH, Branimir RUSANOV, Warwick SMITH, Rikki NEZICH, Thomas KLEIN, Jake STIRLING Standing middle from left: Yutong ZHAO, Yiheng LYU,Read more…
During February 2019 the Medical Physics group received a visit from Prof. Renaud de Crevoisier and Prof. Oscar Acosta from the Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image at the University of Rennes, France, joint supervisors of PhD student Eugenia Mylona who is spending four months with our group. Professors de Crevoisier and Acosta undertakeRead more…
On 8th of February, we were honoured to host Prof. De Crevoisier, Radiation Oncologist from Centre Eugene Marquis, Rennes, France. He discussed some of the research and development currently undertaken in Rennes towards adaptive radiotherapy techniques, coupled with work in development of predictive models of treatment toxicity. This includes a focus on the sources ofRead more…
Marco Marcello, our PhD student, has been awarded the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) travel award to attend EPSM 2018 – based on the scores provided by reviewers of abstracts submitted for the EPSM conference. We would like to congratulate him on his great achievement. Find out more about the program inRead more…
On Saturday 15/9/2018 our PhD student Emily Her and our Master student Thomas Klein were awarded the prestigious Robert Stanford Award and John Black Award for their presentations in the annual ACPSEM-WA branch scientific meeting. Emily’s presentation title was: “Hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer using patient-specific cancer biology“. And Thomas presented: “Dosimetric VerificationRead more…
As per previous years, many of the UWA Medical Physics group members volunteered in the annual Daffodil Day campaign for Cancer Council WA. We started early on August 24, and were overwhelmed by the degree of support from the public in all ages and backgrounds especially school students. Well done everyone! (click on the pictureRead more…
The UWA Health Campus opened to the community for the first time at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital on 8th of April 2018. Our postgraduate students answered queries from the public regarding the Medical Physics program and the future career pathways. Click on the image to enlarge. From left: Thomas KLEIN, Kelly MACKINNON, Warwick SMITH, Pejman ROWSHANFARZAD (program chair) FindRead more…
On 21st of March 2018 we took a group photo after our weekly research meeting at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. This year we are honoured to host Prof. Robert Jeraj from the University of Wisconsin (Madison). Robert is one of the world’s most eminent medical physicists and undertakes work that spans the globe. Click onRead more…
In February, at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) in Perth, we had the delightful opportunity of hearing from a collection of specialists regarding medical imaging and its applications in radiation oncology. The audience consisted of novices to the field (with many masters students in attendance) up to experienced staff and experts. The presentations were spreadRead more…
The ACPSEM WA Branch Annual Scientific Meeting was held on Saturday 23rd September. Our students presented their latest research outcomes in this meeting. Left to right: Josh, Rebecca, Dane, Emily, and Mario The title of their presentations were as follows: – MultiLeaf Collimator Positioning for Small field Radiotherapy: A New Investigation (Joshua Hiatt) – OptimisingRead more…
Every year on Daffodil Day, UWA Medical Physics group joins the Cancer Council volunteers as a team on the streets of Perth CBD to raise fund for cancer research, education programs and support for Australians who have been affected by cancer. This year the event was on the 25th of August. (click on the pictureRead more…
Marco Marcello our brilliant Medical Physics PhD candidate was sponsored by MathWorks to present his research outcomes in the National MATLAB conference this year. We congratulate him for his impressive achievement and wish him more success in the future. Here is Marco’s brief description of his trip and presentation: “I was recently privileged in attendingRead more…
Stereotactic radiotherapy involves the very precise delivery of narrow beams of radiation. Measurement of the properties of those beams is complicated due to their small size, and conversion to dose requires the application of ambiguous correction factors. Physicists from the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP) at the University of Wollongong have spent a decadeRead more…
The 2016 “Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine” (EPSM) conference was held in Sydney during November 6 – 10. On the final day, all delegates came together for a panel-led discussion to consider how medical physicists can adapt to the changing landscape of medicine, how they can make the patient journey as smooth as possibleRead more…
We are pleased to congratulate Mr. Connor James Guilfoile for being awarded a Master of Physics –Medical Physics from the School of Physics, University of Western Australia. Connor was one of our hardworking students and a few weeks after graduation, he was accepted to enter the Radiation Oncology TEAP program at Genesis CancerCare WA. TheRead more…
A big congratulation to Ryan Begley our Medical Physics graduate for winning two awards from the WA branch of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) on the 3rd of September 2016. Ryan was awarded the John Black Student Prize, and also a Travel award which pays for his travel to theRead more…
Our Medical Physics group receives considerable support from the Cancer Council WA, especially through research grants and student scholarships. As per previous years, many of the group members volunteered in the annual Daffodil Day campaign for the Cancer Council WA in Perth CBD. We started early morning on August 26, and were overwhelmed by theRead more…
“On June 13, A/Prof Michael Jackson from Prince of Wales Hospital, New South Wales, presented on the potential role for protons and heavy ions for cancer therapy in Australia. The event was organised by the Radiation Oncology Workforce Western Australia consortium of state radiotherapy institutions, funded by WA Health’s Cancer and Palliative Care Network, andRead more…
Three of our postgraduate students attended the EPSM-2015 conference in Wellington, New Zealand from 8th to 12th of November. Calyn Moulton presented part of his PhD project. The titles of his presentations were: ● Parameters for the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman model of normal tissue complication probability based on late rectal bleeding events after prostate radiotherapy. ● LateRead more…
Today, the 21st of October 2015, the medical physics group weekly meeting was held at UWA main campus. Here is a group photo of the staff and some of our postgraduate students. Our group is growing fast! Top Row (right to left): Ryan Begley , Mike House, Blake Segler, Nick Gale, Calyn Moulton, Angel Kennedy,Read more…
The Medical Physics group receives considerable support from the Cancer Council WA, particularly by way of research grants and student scholarships. As such, group members were more than willing to volunteer to assist the Cancer Council with their annual Daffodil Day campaign, selling bunches of daffodils and Cancer Council merchandise at Perth train station. ThisRead more…
A big congratulations to Azrul Yahya for winning a Young Investigator Travel Award at the 15th International Congress of Radiation Research in Kyoto, Japan. Azrul has written an article on the experience. I had the privilege of attending the 15th International Congress of Radiation Research in Kyoto, Japan last May. The conference, held every four years inRead more…
The Western Australian branch of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists & Engineers in Medicine is having its first event of 2015. There will be two talks, the opportunity to meet the ACPSEM President, Dr Sean Geoghegan, and dinner at Tiamos in Nedlands following the event. The first talk is ‘Writing for Publication’ by Alun HRead more…
Cancer Council WA provides funding for cancer research. This year they are changing how they assess grant applications. The changes will improve community involvement and the relevance of the funding to the Western Australian community. To learn more about the types of grants available and the changes to their application process, and get advice on writing a successful application, come along toRead more…
Prof. Tim St Pierre is back from his IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer tour, and will give a final lecture here at UWA: “Magnetic Materials in Medicine: Applications in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment of Disease” Prof. Tim St Pierre, 2014 IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer 5:30 pm, Monday, 15th December Webb Lecture Theatre, Geology &Read more…
Student rush tickets are available for the 5th Biennial Cancer Council Research Symposium. Registrations close 14 November, 2014. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program
The Photography in Medical Physics competition, hosted by ACPSEM, highlighted some of the visually exciting aspects of medical physics. Among the photographic subjects were ferrofluids from our BioMagnetics Research Group. Ferrofluids are liquids containing nanoparticles of magnetic material. They can be used in medical applications such as targeted drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia (heat treatment). Find out more about the program inRead more…
Congratulations to Blake Segler, PhD student, who competed last week in the Finals of the UWA Three Minute Thesis competition. Blake’s talk, “A Vessel of Hope,” explains his research in medical physics. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program Read more…
Coming up next month is the final Radiation Oncology Workforce WA CPD event for the year, which will feature presentations of small grant research projects, keynote speakers and workshops. 1 November, 2014 8:45 am – 3:15 pm Curtin University Further details Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …)Read more…
Prof. Tim St Pierre’s Distinguished Lectures continue in the Americas. Here is a list of Tim’s finalised tour dates before he returns to Perth. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program
Come along to the UWA Postgrad & Honours Expo to learn more about UWA’s postgraduate course in medical physics. There will be an overview presentation of physics courses from 5:15 – 6:00pm in the Agriculture Lecture Theatre. Date: Wednesday 24 September 2014 Time: 4.00pm to 7.00pm Venue: Bayliss Building and nearby lecture rooms Find out more about the program in ourRead more…
The meeting of Australian and New Zealand Medical Physicists was this year combined with the annual meetings of the Australasian radiography and radiology communities at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. UWA Medical Physics was represented by PhD students Calyn Moulton and Azrul Yahya, together with A/Prof Pejman Rowshan Farzad and Prof Martin Ebert whoRead more…
Well done to the UWA Medical Physics team who volunteered at the Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day Street Appeal on 22 August 2014. The event raised awareness and funds for cancer research, education and support programs. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate ProgramRead more…
Congratulations to the following prize winners! Varian Oncology Systems Best RT: Colm Morrison Best non RT: Robert Day Student Prize: Ryan Begley Travel Grant/Prize: Calyn Moulton Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program
Come along to the UWA Open Day to learn more about the university, including study, research and student life. We will run demonstrations of medical physics and biomagnetics in the atrium of the School of Physics. When: Sunday, 10 August 2014, 10 am – 4 pm Where: The University of Western Australia Find out more about the program in ourRead more…
Today we have a guest post from Calyn Moulton, a UWA physics PhD student who presented at the 2014 ACPSEM WA Branch annual scientific meeting. During the meeting, I presented some work on evaluating image registrations applied to CT scans from external beam radiotherapy and high-dose rate brachytherapy planning. Presenting was a great opportunity toRead more…
PhD student Calyn Moulton and other students from the Medical Physics Research Group will be presenting at the 2014 ACPSEM WA Branch annual scientific meeting being held this Saturday (19th July, 2014). The annual scientific meeting is an opportunity for clinical and research physicists, engineers and students to discuss topics related to physics and engineering inRead more…
The fifth Biennial Cancer Council Research Symposium, hosted by Cancer Council Western Australia, is an opportunity for local cancer researchers to share their research findings with the local scientific and medical community. Cancer Council WA invites researchers and health professionals working in the field of cancer to submit an abstract. When: Thursday 20 November 2012Read more…
This week in Sydney representatives met from the Medical Physics University Network. The network is comprised of each of the six Australian universities that offer postgraduate programs in medical physics. Among the subjects of discussion were continued development of a resource network, a pilot program in course-sharing, virtual training and research interactions. The collaborative work continues to support the development and capacity of the medicalRead more…
The ViewRay (TM) system, which provides the world’s first MRI-guided radiation therapy, enables clinicians to track the patient’s internal anatomy in real time whilst simultaneously administering radiotherapy treatment. Guided by MRI images, the radiation beams are kept on target, yet without additional markers or exposure to ionising radiation. A presentation on the ViewRay (TM) system will be held in Perth: 10:30 am, 20 June, 2014 MeetingRead more…
The 2014 ACPSEM WA Branch annual scientific meeting is coming up on Saturday, 19 July, at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Abstract submission is now open, and closes on 27 June. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program Read more…
Scholarships are available for students interested in attending the 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting (CSM), CSM 2014: Imaging and Radiation in Personalised Medicine. The conference will be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from 4-7 September, 2014. Applications for the ACPSEM Student Scholarship 2014 close 20 June 2014. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects,Read more…
Following the ANZSNM Annual Scientific Meeting in Adelaide this weekend, the WA Branch of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine invite you to attend a presentation by one of the conference speakers here in Perth. “68Ga – replacing 99mTc soon?” Associate Professor Clemens Decristoforo, Radiopharmacist, Innsbruck Medical University, Austria. Seminar Room G24, Harry Perkins Institute ofRead more…
The Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) WA Branch will hold this year’s annual symposium on 4 June at Edith Cowan University. Registrations and online abstract submissions are now open! Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program
On March 14-15 in Perth, medical physics clinical staff and registrars, academic staff and students participated in a workshop on ways to integrate Radiation Oncology clinical and research work. The event included two research workshops, one held at each of Genesis Cancer Care and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, in which researchers presented their project and ideas. FeedbackRead more…
Learn about innovation in medical physics in the free lecture, “Idea to Venture”. This workshop is the first of a series of Start-Up Exchange workshops, and is hosted by The Innovation Centre WA in conjunction with UWA’s Office of Industry and Innovation. In “Idea to Venture,” Prof. Tim St Pierre will talk about the development of the FerriScan technology atRead more…
Today, 7 November, 2013, is the first celebration of the International Day of Medical Physics. You can learn about its background below or celebrate by taking the quiz (general public or physicist versions). As medical imaging technologies are evolving rapidly and pioneer radiotherapy techniques have considerably improved the outcome of cancer therapy, medical physicists become more and more important inRead more…
This week Ben Hug and other PhD students from the Medical Physics Research Group will be presenting at the 2013 Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine (EPSM) Conference here in Perth. The EPSM conference is held annually somewhere in Australia or New Zealand and brings both clinical and research physicists and engineers together to meet and discuss all aspects relatedRead more…
Are you interested in a career in medical physics? The MBA & Postgrad Studies Expo is in Perth on Thursday, 26 September, 2013. Come along to learn about the new Master in Physical Science: Medical Physics course at UWA, and information about a career in radiation oncology. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs,Read more…
Come along to the UWA Postgrad and Honours Expo 2013 this Wednesday, 25 September, 2013. Learn about the new Master in Physical Science: Medical Physics course; research projects in Medical Physics and Biomagnetics; and scholarship opportunities. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply forRead more…