Tag Archives: conference
In this post, we are going to introduce one of our brilliant Medical Physics graduates, Mr. Rikki Nezich. Rik started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA in 2016. He had a First Class Honours Degree in Biophysics before starting his masters course of study. Rik’s research project was on “Quantitative imaging of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides on a preclinical positronRead more…
Workshop on “Introduction and Application of 3D-Slicer in Radiotherapy”- By UWA Medical Physics Graduates

On the 22nd of November two of our recent Medical Physics graduates, Warwick Smith and Samuel Shyllon, organized a workshop on “Introduction to 3D-Slicer” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. 3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. It has potential application in radiotherapy and treatment planning. This software can be used for training and education ofRead more…
A public lecture by Professor Thomas Bortfeld, Medical Physicist, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr Bortfeld received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1990. He started his career at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Medical Physics, interrupted by a short postdoctoral fellowship at the MD Anderson CancerRead more…
On Friday 17th of May, seven UWA Medical Physics Master students presented their research proposals at SCGH Cancer Centre. Here are links to the presentations. We wish them success in their research projects. 1- Seonaid Rodgers Title of project: “Evaluating the dose reduction potential of added tin filtration in paediatric non-contrast chest CT imaging”. Supervisors: JanetteRead more…
Marco Marcello our brilliant Medical Physics PhD candidate was sponsored by MathWorks to present his research outcomes in the National MATLAB conference this year. We congratulate him for his impressive achievement and wish him more success in the future. Here is Marco’s brief description of his trip and presentation: “I was recently privileged in attendingRead more…
Today we are going to introduce Mr. Ryan Begley one of our MPhys (Medical Physics) graduates. Ryan has started his PhD in neurophotonics at the school of physics, UWA. For his PhD, Ryan is building a laser microscope and using this to image individual neurons and investigate the functional changes produced by terahertz radiation. TheRead more…
The 2016 “Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine” (EPSM) conference was held in Sydney during November 6 – 10. On the final day, all delegates came together for a panel-led discussion to consider how medical physicists can adapt to the changing landscape of medicine, how they can make the patient journey as smooth as possibleRead more…
Student rush tickets are available for the 5th Biennial Cancer Council Research Symposium. Registrations close 14 November, 2014. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program
The Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) WA Branch will hold this year’s annual symposium on 4 June at Edith Cowan University. Registrations and online abstract submissions are now open! Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects, Students, Available jobs, …) How to apply for UWA Medical Physics Postgraduate Program