Tag Archives: clinical
In this post, we are going to introduce one of our brilliant Medical Physics graduates, Mr. Rikki Nezich. Rik started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA in 2016. He had a First Class Honours Degree in Biophysics before starting his masters course of study. Rik’s research project was on “Quantitative imaging of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides on a preclinical positronRead more…
Workshop on “Introduction and Application of 3D-Slicer in Radiotherapy”- By UWA Medical Physics Graduates

On the 22nd of November two of our recent Medical Physics graduates, Warwick Smith and Samuel Shyllon, organized a workshop on “Introduction to 3D-Slicer” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. 3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. It has potential application in radiotherapy and treatment planning. This software can be used for training and education ofRead more…
UWA Medical Physics group was honoured to host Thomas Bortfeld, Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Radiation Biophysics Division at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard. It was a wonderful opportunity for our group to learn from Thomas’s experiences, attend his great talks, and find out more about the future of medical physics.Read more…
A public lecture by Professor Thomas Bortfeld, Medical Physicist, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr Bortfeld received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1990. He started his career at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Medical Physics, interrupted by a short postdoctoral fellowship at the MD Anderson CancerRead more…
In this page we are introducing one of our successful graduates Mr. Luke Slama. Luke started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA in 2016. His research project was on “A novel method to investigate the coincidence of beam collimation system and focal spot position in radiotherapy linear accelerators: A multi-centre study” supervised by Dr. PejmanRead more…
On May 28, Dr. Hari Kirupananther, MBBS Hons from Fiona Stanley Hospital, Western Australia, presented on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Oncology and Medical Radiations. The event was organised by the Radiation Oncology Workforce Western Australia consortium of state radiotherapy institutions, funded by WA Health’s Cancer and Palliative Care Network, and hosted at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH). Abstract:Read more…
In this page we are going to introduce one of our bright Medical Physics graduates, Mr. Tom Milan. Tom started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA in 2016. His research project was on “Evaluation of the Clinical Impact of the Linac MLC and Gantry Sag in VMAT” supervised by Dr. Pejman Rowshanfarzad from the MedicalRead more…
During February 2019 the Medical Physics group received a visit from Prof. Renaud de Crevoisier and Prof. Oscar Acosta from the Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image at the University of Rennes, France, joint supervisors of PhD student Eugenia Mylona who is spending four months with our group. Professors de Crevoisier and Acosta undertakeRead more…
On 8th of February, we were honoured to host Prof. De Crevoisier, Radiation Oncologist from Centre Eugene Marquis, Rennes, France. He discussed some of the research and development currently undertaken in Rennes towards adaptive radiotherapy techniques, coupled with work in development of predictive models of treatment toxicity. This includes a focus on the sources ofRead more…
Katherine started her Master of Medical Physics at the University of Western Australia (UWA) in 2016. Her research project was on “A Treatment Planning Study of Low Dose Radiation Therapy for the Adaptive Response” supervised by Adj/Prof Martin Ebert, and Medical Physics Specialist Mr. Simon Goodall. The project was carried out at Genesis Cancer Care,Read more…
We are going to introduce one of our brilliant Medical Physics graduates, Mr. Joshua Hiatt. Josh started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA mid-2016. His research project was on “MultiLeaf Collimator Positioning for Small Fields: A New Investigation into Automatic EPID-based Verification” supervised by Dr. Pejman Rowshanfarzad from Medical Physics Group at UWA, Mr. GodfreyRead more…
Mario started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at our university in 2016. His research project was on “Evaluation of a mobile C-arm cone-beam CT in interstitial high-dose rate brachytherapy treatment planning” supervised by Adj/Prof Martin Ebert, Dr. David Waterhouse, and Dr. Pejman Rowshanfarzad. The project was carried out at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Here are commentsRead more…
This post is about Alex Burton, who has recently finished his Masters in Medical Physics at UWA. “Alex was one of our most talented and extremely hard working postgraduate students. He had real interest in medical physics which was reflected in his excellent exam marks (all HD). Alex had a creative mind, and was aRead more…
The Cancer Council Western Australia Postdoctoral Fellowship is offered for an outstanding early career researcher who will contribute to the field of cancer research in WA. The fellowship is for up to $75,000 pa ($90,000 pa for clinical appointments) for 3 years with funding available from 1 January 2016. Applications are now open. Applications close 3 April,Read more…
On March 14-15 in Perth, medical physics clinical staff and registrars, academic staff and students participated in a workshop on ways to integrate Radiation Oncology clinical and research work. The event included two research workshops, one held at each of Genesis Cancer Care and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, in which researchers presented their project and ideas. FeedbackRead more…