Three of our postgraduate students attended the EPSM-2015 conference in Wellington, New Zealand from 8th to 12th of November.
Calyn Moulton presented part of his PhD project. The titles of his presentations were:
● Parameters for the Lyman-Kutcher-Burman model of normal tissue complication probability based on late rectal bleeding events after prostate radiotherapy.
● Late rectal bleeding results for prostate cancer patients receiving external beam radiotherapy followed by a HDR brachytherapy boost: Do dose-surface maps provide additional information?
And Azrul Yahya’s presentation was entitled:
● The impact of statistical modelling strategies on the performance of predictive models for urinary symptoms following external beam radiotherapy of the prostate
Azrul was awarded for the best poster presented at the conference. The title of his poster was:
● Development of a predictive model for predicting urethral stricture following external beam radiotherapy of the prostate: urethral dose-length as an important predictor
Calyn and Azrul also had a collaborative poster on:
● The top 10 questions two physics PhD students asked themselves when searching for dosimetric predictors of trial treatment toxicities.
And our MSc student Marco Marcello presented his project. His talk was on:
● Testing the impact of radiotherapy treatment quality on disease progression for prostate cancer.
Well done Calyn, Azrul, and Marco.
A PDF file containing the abstracts is available here.
And here are some photos from the conference.
Click on the images to enlarge.