Tag Archives: scholarship
We would like to congratulate our PhD candidate Brani Rusanov for receiving the WA Cancer Council PhD Top Up Scholarship.Brani’s PhD project title is: “Using artificial intelligence to improve the accuracy of radiotherapy treatments”. Great achievement Brani!
Congratulations to our graduate Yiheng Lyu for receiving a UWA international fee scholarship and UWA postgraduate award to start his PhD at UWA in the field of AI and cardiology. International scholarships are very competitive and Yiheng’s hard work during his Masters has paid off. Well done Yiheng! ========================= For more information visit our Website:Read more…
We are very pleased to announce that Jake Kendrick – our PhD candidate – has been awarded the Turab Chakera Radiology Research Fellowship by the Royal Perth Hospital Imaging Research Fund for 3 years. It is a PhD research grant for original radiology related research. For more information visit: https://rph.health.wa.gov.au/Research/RPH-Imaging-Research-Fund/Grant-Programs The title of Jakes PhDRead more…
Congratulations to Thomas Klein on being awarded the ‘Master of Physics Medical Physics Prize’ and ‘Muriel and Colin Ramm Prize and Medal’ to recognise his outstanding academic achievements in 2019. More information on this prize can be found here. We wish Thomas a successful PhD journey. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects,Read more…
We are pleased to announce that James Hunt, one of our postgraduate students, has been awarded CERN Summer School Scholarship.James’s application to CERN was successful among thousands of applicants across the globe. Unfortunately, he can not physically attend the course due to the Covid-19 crisis. However, CERN has made resources available online and James can gainRead more…
Congratulation to Mr. Thomas Klein on winning the prestigious Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarship

We are so pleased to announce that Thomas Klein – one of our PhD candidates – was awarded the Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarship this year. The Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarships are funded by the Hackett Bequest, established by Sir John Winthrop Hackett, the first Chancellor and a generous benefactor to the University of Western Australia. They are annually awarded by the Scholarships Committee to the top-rankedRead more…
There is an opportunity to attend the CERN Summer School in Geneva in 2020. The Minderoo Foundation, working with the Forrest Research Foundation, will provide financial support to CERN to enable up to ten Western Australian students to attend the CERN Summer School in Geneva, June-August 2020: link This opportunity is open to top-performing HonoursRead more…
Cancer Council WA offers these scholarships to support the work of promising young Honours/Masters students with an interest in cancer research. Closing date: 06 November 2019 Named in honour of a valued member of the Cancer Council WA family for more than 20 years the Paul Katris Honours/Masters Scholarships are offered to students with anRead more…
On 10th of April 2019 we took a group photo before the weekly research meeting at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Click on the image to enlarge. Standing back from left: Brendon WRIGHT, Daniel NGUYEN, Jake KENDRICK, Dane LYNCH, Branimir RUSANOV, Warwick SMITH, Rikki NEZICH, Thomas KLEIN, Jake STIRLING Standing middle from left: Yutong ZHAO, Yiheng LYU,Read more…
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website and we’re excited to introduce you to our new look. The aims were to create a user-friendly browsing experience for valued applicants and research partners. Our new website provides a clear message of who we are, what we stand for and where our valuesRead more…
UWA offers a range of scholarships to prospective international students to help them pursue their impossible with the assistance of financial support. Applications are now open for a wide range of postgraduate research scholarships for International and local (domestic) students, including Research Training Program (RTP) (formerly APA), University Postgraduate Awards (UPA), prestigious University, and InternationalRead more…
Western Australian universities are seeking applicants for unique PhD scholarships as described at this link “Forrest Scholarships“. These are aimed at attracting students with exceptional talent, imagination and potential. They are for both Australian and international students. The University of Western Australia Medical Physics group welcomes inquiries from suitable physics, mathematics, engineering and computer scienceRead more…
Ryan Begley, a first year student in the Master of Physics: Medical Physics program, was interviewed by the Post Newspapers for his research into using gold nanoparticles as a delivery method for radiation in order to better treat tumours. Thanks to James Crofts Hope Foundation for supporting Ryan Begley’s research. For further reading on the use of goldRead more…
The Western Australian Department of Health has established a scholarship fund for the purpose of encouraging students with a strong desire to develop a career in radiation oncology medical physics. The demand for medical physicists specializing in radiation oncology is growing in Western Australia as the government seeks to expand cancer treatment services in theRead more…
Hi, my name is Colm Morrison, I’m a postgraduate student at UWA studying a Master of Science in Medical Physics, and I’m going to tell you a little bit about my experience in the Medical Physics MSc program. I enrolled in the program in 2012 after reading an article in a state health department liftoutRead more…
Applications are being sought for the following scholarships with the purpose of encouraging promising students to develop and advance their cancer-related research skills. PhD Top Up Scholarship One Cancer Council Western Australia and one Lions Cancer Institute PhD Top Up Scholarship of up to $12,000 pa will be offered for up to 3 years. ToRead more…
Scholarships are available for students interested in attending the 2014 Combined Scientific Meeting (CSM), CSM 2014: Imaging and Radiation in Personalised Medicine. The conference will be held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre from 4-7 September, 2014. Applications for the ACPSEM Student Scholarship 2014 close 20 June 2014. Find out more about the program in our website (Courses, Projects,Read more…
Applications close next week for the Western Australian Department of Health ‘Scholarship in Radiation Oncology Medical Physics – 2014‘. This scholarship is to support students in the Master of Physical Science: Medical Physics course at The University of Western Australia who would like to focus their research component on a radiation oncology topic. Applications close: 17 January, 2014Read more…
Applications open today for the Western Australian Department of Health ‘Scholarship in Radiation Oncology Medical Physics – 2014‘. This scholarship is to support students in the Master of Physical Science: Medical Physics course at The University of Western Australia who would like to focus their research component on a radiation oncology topic. Contact Research Associate Professor Mike House,Read more…