The meeting of Australian and New Zealand Medical Physicists was this year combined with the annual meetings of the Australasian radiography and radiology communities at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. UWA Medical Physics was represented by PhD students Calyn Moulton and Azrul Yahya, together with A/Prof Pejman Rowshan Farzad and Prof Martin Ebert who together provided eight presentations and posters at the meeting, to relay the results of work in the group to the wider community. PhD student Blake Segler was also able to attend the meeting on the basis of a scholarship from the ACPSEM. The meeting allowed exchange of ideas between the principal disciplines involved in radiotherapy and radiology. Some of the highlights of the meeting for me were the results of initial Australasian studies in the use of ablative radiotherapy doses for several cancer types; information on international progress towards collection of patient data for large-scale (‘big data’) analysis of the impact of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques; discussion of efforts in Australia to establish the first national proton and/or carbon ion therapy facility; and watching Hawthorn demolish Geelong at the MCG.
After the meeting, Calyn and Azrul took advantage of the opportunity to visit collaborators at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in East Melbourne.
Martin Ebert