On the 25th of February, our Medical Physics PhD student, Thomas Klein, presented his research project plan on “Ultra-high Dose-rate FLASH Radiotherapy: Advantages, Feasibility and Considerations.” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. The clinical benefit associated with the implementation of FLASH radiotherapy is expected to be immediate and of significant benefit to the patient outcome. AsRead more…
On the 14th of February four of our Medical Physics masters students, Nathaniel Barry, Dane Lynch, Jake Kendrick, Brani Rusanov, organized a workshop on “Machine Learning in Radiotherapy” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. The presentation outlined various applications of machine learning along the external beam radiotherapy workflow from creating synthetic CT datasets from MRI imagesRead more…
We are so pleased to announce that Thomas Klein – one of our PhD candidates – was awarded the Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarship this year. The Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarships are funded by the Hackett Bequest, established by Sir John Winthrop Hackett, the first Chancellor and a generous benefactor to the University of Western Australia. They are annually awarded by the Scholarships Committee to the top-rankedRead more…