During February 2-11, the Radiation Oncology group hosted Dr Sarah Gulliford from the Royal Marsden Hospital / Institute for Cancer Research, Sutton, United Kingdom. Sarah first visited in March 2012. Since then, several members from the group have visited Sarah in Sutton. Sarah’s research focuses on the reactions of normal tissues following radiotherapy and has assisted greatly with the groups’ efforts in modeling tissue response following treatment for prostate cancer. This collaboration has yielded several publications, and now an NHMRC grant to develop very sophisticated models that relate spatial characteristics of radiotherapy dose distributions to both tumour and normal tissue response, and that will include validation of those models on clinical trial data collected in the United Kingdom.

Pictured in Perth’s Kings Park are (L to R) PhD student Azrul Yahya, Programmer Angel Kennedy, Postdoc Pejman Rowshanfarzad, PhD student Calyn Moulton, Sarah Gulliford and researcher Martin Ebert.