Tag Archives: treatment planning
Daliya completed a BSc majoring in Physics and Chemistry (and minor in Maths) at Australian National University (ANU), followed by a Master of Physics (Medical Physics) at UWA in 2022. She is currently working in Liverpool Hospital as a Radiation Oncology Medical Physics (ROMP) registrar going through the clinical training program. Her thesis title was:Read more…
Congratulation to Yutong Zhao and the team on publishing a paper in the recent issue of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine Journal! Well done Yutong! “Deriving optimal planning organ at risk volume margins in prostate external beam radiotherapy”. Yutong Zhao, Martin Ebert, David Waterhouse, Simon Goodall, Pejman Rowshanfarzad, Shahin Fattahi This work was Yutong’sRead more…
Calyn completed his PhD last semester and moved to Sydney to start clinical training at Westmead Hospital. His thesis title was: “Spatial dose-response models of rectal toxicities for patients undergoing prostate radiotherapy“. Calyn was one of our most talented, resourceful and capable students who worked tirelessly on his PhD project. Here is what his principalRead more…
New to Perth, CyberKnife was first used here in April to treat patients. The radiotherapy treatment process requires a team of medical physicists, radiation therapists and doctors. First the patient receives MRI or CT scans, on which the doctor outlines the target volume of the tumour. For the particular case the doctor decides whether CyberKnife is an appropriate technology. The doctor prescribes aRead more…