Tag Archives: cancer research
In this post, we are going to introduce one of our brilliant Medical Physics graduates, Mr. Rikki Nezich. Rik started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA in 2016. He had a First Class Honours Degree in Biophysics before starting his masters course of study. Rik’s research project was on “Quantitative imaging of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides on a preclinical positronRead more…
Workshop on “Introduction and Application of 3D-Slicer in Radiotherapy”- By UWA Medical Physics Graduates

On the 22nd of November two of our recent Medical Physics graduates, Warwick Smith and Samuel Shyllon, organized a workshop on “Introduction to 3D-Slicer” at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. 3D Slicer is an open source software platform for medical image informatics, image processing, and three-dimensional visualization. It has potential application in radiotherapy and treatment planning. This software can be used for training and education ofRead more…
UWA Medical Physics group was honoured to host Thomas Bortfeld, Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Radiation Biophysics Division at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard. It was a wonderful opportunity for our group to learn from Thomas’s experiences, attend his great talks, and find out more about the future of medical physics.Read more…
On Monday 21st of October, seven UWA Medical Physics Master students presented their research proposals at SCGH Cancer Centre. Here are links to their presentations. We wish them success with their research projects. 1- Divya Jyoti Title of project: “Independent Dose Calculation for Multileaf Collimator (InCiseTM MLC) based CyberKnife® Treatments”. Supervisors: Martin Ebert, Ben Hug 2- Ghazi Salem M ALmutairi Read more…
A public lecture by Professor Thomas Bortfeld, Medical Physicist, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Dr Bortfeld received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 1990. He started his career at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Medical Physics, interrupted by a short postdoctoral fellowship at the MD Anderson CancerRead more…
Today, 23rd of August, our Medical Physics team volunteered to help the Cancer Council WA Daffodil Day fundraising event for the 6th year in a row. The funds are used to support the activities of Cancer Council in fighting against cancer. Thanks everyone for your efforts in supporting such a wonderful cause. (click on theRead more…
On May 28, Dr. Hari Kirupananther, MBBS Hons from Fiona Stanley Hospital, Western Australia, presented on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Oncology and Medical Radiations. The event was organised by the Radiation Oncology Workforce Western Australia consortium of state radiotherapy institutions, funded by WA Health’s Cancer and Palliative Care Network, and hosted at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH). Abstract:Read more…
On Friday 17th of May, seven UWA Medical Physics Master students presented their research proposals at SCGH Cancer Centre. Here are links to the presentations. We wish them success in their research projects. 1- Seonaid Rodgers Title of project: “Evaluating the dose reduction potential of added tin filtration in paediatric non-contrast chest CT imaging”. Supervisors: JanetteRead more…
On 10th of April 2019 we took a group photo before the weekly research meeting at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Click on the image to enlarge. Standing back from left: Brendon WRIGHT, Daniel NGUYEN, Jake KENDRICK, Dane LYNCH, Branimir RUSANOV, Warwick SMITH, Rikki NEZICH, Thomas KLEIN, Jake STIRLING Standing middle from left: Yutong ZHAO, Yiheng LYU,Read more…
During February 2019 the Medical Physics group received a visit from Prof. Renaud de Crevoisier and Prof. Oscar Acosta from the Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l’Image at the University of Rennes, France, joint supervisors of PhD student Eugenia Mylona who is spending four months with our group. Professors de Crevoisier and Acosta undertakeRead more…
On 8th of February, we were honoured to host Prof. De Crevoisier, Radiation Oncologist from Centre Eugene Marquis, Rennes, France. He discussed some of the research and development currently undertaken in Rennes towards adaptive radiotherapy techniques, coupled with work in development of predictive models of treatment toxicity. This includes a focus on the sources ofRead more…
Katherine started her Master of Medical Physics at the University of Western Australia (UWA) in 2016. Her research project was on “A Treatment Planning Study of Low Dose Radiation Therapy for the Adaptive Response” supervised by Adj/Prof Martin Ebert, and Medical Physics Specialist Mr. Simon Goodall. The project was carried out at Genesis Cancer Care,Read more…
Today, Mr. Samuel Shyllon, one of our Masters students is going to introduce his research project. Samuel is working under Professor Martin Ebert‘s supervision. “Hello, my name is Samuel Shyllon and I am a UWA Medical Physics student that is currently working on a project that involves comparing CyberKnife and proton therapy for the treatmentRead more…
Spatial localisation of dose-toxicity relationships in prostate radiotherapy: anatomical sources of urinary toxicity and implications for treatment planning

Eugenia “Jenny” Mylona is visiting Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital during December 2018 – April 2019, as part of a collaboration between SCGH and the University of Rennes, to use image processing and statistical approaches to anatomically localise the relationship between radiotherapy dose delivery and resulting treatment toxicity. With knowledge of such relationships, it will be possibleRead more…
Marco Marcello, our PhD student, has been awarded the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) travel award to attend EPSM 2018 – based on the scores provided by reviewers of abstracts submitted for the EPSM conference. We would like to congratulate him on his great achievement. Find out more about the program inRead more…
On Saturday 15/9/2018 our PhD student Emily Her and our Master student Thomas Klein were awarded the prestigious Robert Stanford Award and John Black Award for their presentations in the annual ACPSEM-WA branch scientific meeting. Emily’s presentation title was: “Hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for prostate cancer using patient-specific cancer biology“. And Thomas presented: “Dosimetric VerificationRead more…
We are going to introduce one of our brilliant Medical Physics graduates, Mr. Joshua Hiatt. Josh started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at UWA mid-2016. His research project was on “MultiLeaf Collimator Positioning for Small Fields: A New Investigation into Automatic EPID-based Verification” supervised by Dr. Pejman Rowshanfarzad from Medical Physics Group at UWA, Mr. GodfreyRead more…
In February, at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) in Perth, we had the delightful opportunity of hearing from a collection of specialists regarding medical imaging and its applications in radiation oncology. The audience consisted of novices to the field (with many masters students in attendance) up to experienced staff and experts. The presentations were spreadRead more…
Mario started his MPhys (Medical Physics) at our university in 2016. His research project was on “Evaluation of a mobile C-arm cone-beam CT in interstitial high-dose rate brachytherapy treatment planning” supervised by Adj/Prof Martin Ebert, Dr. David Waterhouse, and Dr. Pejman Rowshanfarzad. The project was carried out at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Here are commentsRead more…
This post is about Alex Burton, who has recently finished his Masters in Medical Physics at UWA. “Alex was one of our most talented and extremely hard working postgraduate students. He had real interest in medical physics which was reflected in his excellent exam marks (all HD). Alex had a creative mind, and was aRead more…
The current page is about Theresa Viktoria Feddersen, a successful UWA Medical Physics graduate. She is currently an intern in the Division of Human Health, Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria. Click on the image to enlarge. Here is what Pejman Rowshanfarzad her Co-supervisor andRead more…
Calyn completed his PhD last semester and moved to Sydney to start clinical training at Westmead Hospital. His thesis title was: “Spatial dose-response models of rectal toxicities for patients undergoing prostate radiotherapy“. Calyn was one of our most talented, resourceful and capable students who worked tirelessly on his PhD project. Here is what his principalRead more…
Today we are going to introduce Mr. Ryan Begley one of our MPhys (Medical Physics) graduates. Ryan has started his PhD in neurophotonics at the school of physics, UWA. For his PhD, Ryan is building a laser microscope and using this to image individual neurons and investigate the functional changes produced by terahertz radiation. TheRead more…
The 2016 “Engineering and Physical Sciences in Medicine” (EPSM) conference was held in Sydney during November 6 – 10. On the final day, all delegates came together for a panel-led discussion to consider how medical physicists can adapt to the changing landscape of medicine, how they can make the patient journey as smooth as possibleRead more…
On Wednesday November 2, 2016, Kalam (Minty) James Ciantar one of our Masters students presented his final research outcomes to the school of physics at UWA. Minty’s thesis title was: “Voxel-based Analysis of Kidney Response to Radiation using SPECT/CT Imaging“, under supervision of Adj/Prof. Martin Ebert. The abstract of his thesis is as follows:Read more…
A big congratulation to Ryan Begley our Medical Physics graduate for winning two awards from the WA branch of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (ACPSEM) on the 3rd of September 2016. Ryan was awarded the John Black Student Prize, and also a Travel award which pays for his travel to theRead more…
Ryan Begley, a first year student in the Master of Physics: Medical Physics program, was interviewed by the Post Newspapers for his research into using gold nanoparticles as a delivery method for radiation in order to better treat tumours. Thanks to James Crofts Hope Foundation for supporting Ryan Begley’s research. For further reading on the use of goldRead more…
Cancer Council Western Australia Research Project Grant support “local, world class cancer researchers to help further their research. Grants are initially short listed through the national expert review process of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and are then further assessed by the Cancer Council WA Research Grants Advisory Committee. Grant applications areRead more…
The Cancer Council Western Australia Postdoctoral Fellowship is offered for an outstanding early career researcher who will contribute to the field of cancer research in WA. The fellowship is for up to $75,000 pa ($90,000 pa for clinical appointments) for 3 years with funding available from 1 January 2016. Applications are now open. Applications close 3 April,Read more…
Today we profile Dr Mahsheed Sabet, who writes about her career in medical physics and her experience as a Medical Physics Registrar at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. I have recently joined the Training, Education and Accreditation Program (TEAP) for Radiation Oncology Medical Physicists. With a BSc in Applied Physics, an MSc and a PhD in MedicalRead more…
Hi there, my name is Jonny Thompson and I thought I’d give a quick run-down of my experiences in medical physics so far for anyone considering the same path. I’ve been working as a Radiation Oncology Medical Physics (ROMP) registrar for almost a year now at Perth Radiation Oncology (PRO) in Wembley. I started outRead more…