Prof. Tim St Pierre presented his first IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecture at Tohoku University in Sendai. Here is Tim’s description of his adventures, including photos of an early “medical physics” device, the magnoscope (an electrical stethoscope).
I visited the Research Institute of Electrical Communication at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. I met with Associate Professor Simon Greaves who showed me around the Institute.
At 3pm I delivered my lecture to a group of researchers and students from various departments within the University. After receiving questions at the end of the presentation, I had one-on-one discussions with some of the students regarding ideas for measuring blood oxygenation based on magnetic susceptibility measurements. Further discussions were held with Professors Hiroaki Muraoka, Masahiro Yamaguchi, and Simon Greaves. Professor Yamaguchi is the chair of the local IEEE Magnetics Society Chapter.